Online Meeting for Worship for Climate Action
Online Meeting for Worship for Climate Action
On October 7th, Quaker Earthcare Witness will be hosting an online meeting for worship as Friends in the Philadelphia area gather to worship outside the home of the CEO of Vanguard, Tim Buckley. We are offering this online worship in solidarity with Earth Quaker Action Team, who is organizing the on-the-ground meeting for worship as part of their Vanguard S.0.S campaign.
Join Friends online from Hawaii to London as we "gather" to, in the words of EQAT, "pray for the millions of people already suffering from climate destruction, for leaders like Tim Buckley to act boldly to prevent more suffering, and for our own courage as we seek to pressure Vanguard to change course."
Environmental groups from around the world are working to pressure financial institutions to divest from fossil fuels. Vanguard Investments Group is the world’s biggest investor in coal and one of the two biggest investors in gas and oil. Vanguard must use its power and influence as a shareholder to push the companies it currently invests in to do better on climate, offer climate-responsible funds as a default to its customers, and exit its investments in fossil fuels projects and companies.
Email with any questions.
*Please note this event is at 11:30am Eastern time.
United States