QEW Fall Gathering 2024 (In Person)

Please fill out the following form to register for the Fall QEW Steering Committee Meeting, October 3 - 6, 2024 at Norbertine Community in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

For details about the meeting, see our event page. 

Note: If this form has been prefilled for you, please check it over carefully and update it if it is no longer correct. The new information will replace the information we currently have in our database for you.

If you prefer not to submit your credit card, choose the "I will send payment by check" option.

If you are registering after September 1, be aware that we need to double-confirm space for you. You will receive an automatic confirmation when you register online, but this does NOT guarantee space. Within a day, we will send you an additional email regarding available space.

All meals will be vegetarian unless you make a request in the "special restrictions box." 

Please get in touch with Keith Runyan at keith@quakerearthcare.org or Miche at miche@quakerearthcare.org with questions, concerns, and requests.


Name and Address
Event Fee(s)

There are several housing options available, from quiet single-room hermitages to semi-private single/double rooms with private bathrooms to a more communal guest house. Two rooms are ADA-accessible. If you have specific housing needs, please let me know, and we can work to accommodate you.

Friends with financial need, please email Keith Runyan at keith@quakerearthcare.org prior to registering, indicating your preference for accommodations. We want to make our gathering as accessible as possible.

Registration Fee

Please choose how many days you will be attending and the type of accommodation you require.

For Friends staying with us, meals will be served from dinner on Thursday, October 3rd, through a light lunch on Sunday, October 6th.

Lunches and dinners will be served to commuters.

Additional Contribution to Support QEW

You can make an additional donation to support Friends who cannot pay the full cost of attending the Gathering. Enter an amount without a dollar sign.
Donation to Support QEW's Mini-Grant Program

You can make an additional donation to support Quaker Earthcare Witness' mini-grants program here.

Enter an amount without a dollar sign.

Contribution to Support Population Offset

You can add an additional contribution as a carbon offset to benefit our Population offset project. This amount will be used to support family planning.

Enter an amount without a dollar sign.

Total for this participant
Billing Name and Address
In-Person Steering Committee Meeting
Tell us approximately when you expect to arrive at the meeting.
Tell us approx. when you plan to leave the meeting.